Wednesday, October 26, 2011


the proud moment, roar indeed! and, could the hair be more perfect?

Been working hard to to slash my expenditures. Decided to cut the basic cable, internet & local/long distance land line. Switched to Century Link for reduced internet speed and local land line which is saving us $50/month. Who has land lines these days, eh? Well, single parents who would panic if their child had a medical emergency and they could not locate the cell phone quickly enough or it needs charged. That four years of Girl Scouts paid off in that now I am a parent, I tend to live by the motto "Be Prepared". Oh....wait....I think that's the Boy Scout motto. OK, helped that I 'hung out' at my brother's Boy Scout functions...had a couple crushes on his Scout pals.

The Century Link tech arrived to take care of the installation. I was holding Aero and put him on the floor to hurry down the stairs to let him in. I showed the tech where the wall jacks were and glanced in the living room to make sure A was OK. He seemed contented, sitting up and chewing on a wooden rattle. Wait...sitting up? I distinctly remember laying him on his back. No way. He got into sitting position for the very 1st time on his own and I missed it? Crushed. I applauded and cheered anyway. So proud. Yet, my momma brain could be fooling me, maybe I did sit him up? He has this uncanny move that when I go to put him on the floor he does a little jack knife so he is placed on the floor sitting up. Perhaps I was in to much of a distracted state to properly remember?

Fast forward to this evening. I was in the kitchen doing dishes at the sink so I can easily watch him on his tumble mat in the living room. I looked up from sudsing a bottle to spy him prone, tentatively creeping his leg out to the side, other leg bent underneath him, arms in front, fingers creeping along the carpet to gently bring his torso up on his hips to sit. Wow. Wow. Wow. Beautiful job my little Bubbage (Bubba + Cabbage), just beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Props to you, momma. I can picture exactly what he's doing as you describe it because I watched you teach him how! What an awesome student!
