Monday, October 24, 2011

Intuition Wins Again

We visited Dr. Molly, pediatric naturopath, early last week. She held Aero in her lap and introduced herself. Since our meeting, she has emailed me several times to update me on information, resources, testing, etc. She has phoned me twice to clarify and explain info she sent me via email. She is truly a partner in Aero's care team. Dr. Molly helped me out when I first discovered I was pregnant. She got me through the initial shock and discussed with me the road ahead in terms of nutrition and well pregnancy care. Unfortunately, she was not mid-wifing and could not take me on as a prenatal patient. I decided that she would be an excellent care giver for my unborn baby. As we know, Aero was born with a few challenges. At discharge from the hospital, I decided that maybe it was best to take him to a traditional alopathic, western medicine pediatrician given the complexity of his care. I should have listened to my initial hunch. Another lesson in learning to trust your instincts and those little voices that nudge in directions unknown.

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