Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cause & Effect

I have been worrying about this one for quite some time, the relationship of cause & effect. Mr. A has a few toys that work on the principle of cause & effect, i.e. push this button, this light blinks or a sound is heard. It never seemed to 'click' for him. I would continually push the buttons to show him the bells & whistles and ....well, that is it. He did not seem affected. It did not even seem to register. He did not want to make it shoot laserbeams of light or hear the spanish word for cat (gateau). Non issue for Mr. A.

Not for momma. Just add to the entirely long list of things that have definitions, delineations, relations. Child development, I am learning, is a world of so much time line terminology. Your 10 month old should be doing this, this and this...reads my email from Every single solitary developmental minutia has a term and time line to determine if your child's progress is 'typical'. Groan. Sigh. Cue the anxiety.

I guess that maybe Aero's T21 gives us a bit of a break and I should relax a little. Children with T21 hit milestones, they just hit them later. Fact. Perhaps my attitude adjustment should focus on the 'fact' that later milestones means I experience precious 'babyhood' for more time. I mean, take a look at the above photo. Does he not look like a budding toddler? Sigh. Sob.

OK, back to cause & effect. He understands the relationship. Every time he is in my arms and we pass the kitchen faucet, he sticks out his hands to be washed. He totally trips on the sensation of water running through his fingers. And, he whips his torso around when we walk by my desktop computer. Every morning we do a reading program that creates a rapt Aero sitting on top of the desk, paying very close attention to the images flashing before his eyes.

I also need to remember that his AHA moments seem to happen when I am in the kitchen. As this one did...those butttons were pushed many times tonight, finally. Thank heavens 'cause every 10 month old needs to know 'gateau'.

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