Monday, October 17, 2011


Totally forgot about posting! I was really wrapped up in doing some online research for therapeutic protocols for children with Down syndrome. Absolutely fascinating. A complete oversimplification of the science, but all the extra chromosomal material creates an overabundance of protein in the system which creates A LOT of oxidative stress on the body, especially cognition (brain development). So, the theory is that if you can arrest the deterioration through nutrition and supplementation of anti-oxidants, you can increase cognitive synapses. Lots more to study. The challenge is that doctors are not aware of all this research and the amazing quality of life that some very diligent moms have created for their kids by being really savvy and smart. Jeez, Moms rule! The doctors just think that that it is what it is. I say phooey on low expectations and not helping Aero realize his potential.

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